006 - Don't Let Roadblocks Stand in the Way of Your Calling
We are all artists. We have something placed on our heart to create, produce, go after. Don't sell yourself short and say "I can't do this, I don't have the right equipment or live in the right city." It's doesn't take a $1,000+ camera to become a photographer, filmmaker or documentarian. Creativity WILL overcome financial roadblocks. It's not about what equipment you have. It's not about where you live. Get to work.
“Creativity will overcome financial roadblocks. Don’t let “I don’t have the right equipment” stop you! Don’t let “I don’t live in the right city” stop you. There are stories to tell all around us.”
The basic fundamentals are the same no matter what equipment you have. Pulling the best out of your subject, framing, lighting, etc.. It's much more important to create than to wait. As we evolve our equipment will naturally evolve as well. Our talent and skill set will evolve. Our portfolio will evolve. But we can't get to tomorrow if we don't create today.
I started making documentaries in the early 2000's in my rock 'n' roll days. I wanted to shoot interviews of the band, fans and also make music videos. I started shooting on a Sony Cybershot. I didn't know anything about HD vs SD. I didn't know anything about frame resolution and I for sure didn't know anything about exposure. But I wanted to tell a story and document a special moment in time. I'm light years more advanced technically today then back then, but the basics are all still the same.
“Don’t let roadblocks stand in the way of your calling. You are special. You have a unique voice, vision, talent, perspective... Let it shine. Get out of your own way and let that which is greater than you flow through.”
Final Thoughts - Feeding Our Brain
I'm a big fan of listening to audio books and podcasts that encourage growth, self examination, positivity and pursuing our natural divine calling. Every episode I'll share with you a piece that's impacted me during the week.
This week, it's been all about financial books. If we want to be our own boss and live a life that we design, then being in control of our money is paramount. If not, we are slaves to money. I strongly recommend digesting both of these books.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
Key take away - the best return on our money, is paying off our debt. If we're paying 14% - 25%+ to cards, the best return we can make on our money to NOT finance charges every single month!
Rich Dad Poor Dad. -
Key take away - Make your money work for you, instead of you working for your money. Powerful book.