003 - Systems & Routines - The Golden Keys to Unlocking Our Next Level
This week, we get out of the studio and visit Hotter'N Hell Hundred, one of the largest cycling events in America! This episode is full of powerful knowledge! Enjoy it guys, thanks for letting me share! Let me know your thoughts!
“Systems and routines allow our brain to efficiently master a task and then stop thinking about it. This allows us to shift our focus and reach higher levels of achievement.”
As humans we are creatures of habit. Systems and routines allow our brain to efficiently master a task and then stop thinking about it. This allows us to shift our focus and reach higher levels of achievement. This process is called automatic recall or muscle memory, and we do it naturally with common tasks.
Our mind is built to create and identify patterns for maximum performance. Let's examine how we can harness our brains natural tendencies to unlock our most creative potential!
In this episode we examine:
What are systems and why are they important?
The importance of brain dumping and honest self evaluations.
How do I identify which systems I should put in place for my life?
Is this for me? I'm a creative, I don't want to be boxed in, I'm a free spirit. - YES!!
Final Thoughts - Feeding Our Brains
I'm a big fan of listening to audio books and podcasts that encourage growth, evolution with our craft, self examination, positivity and pursing our natural divine calling. Every episode I'll share with you a piece that's impacted me during the week.
Robert Greene's Mastery - Download for free on Audible. Your first two books are free!
Mastery by Robert Greene
I kept seeing this book on the short list of 'must reads' by many successful creatives. And now I can say, it is a MUST READ.
Greene examines many successful masters such Leonardo, Einstein, Henry Ford, Charles Darwin, Napoleon and more. We see a common thread - failure, perseverance, being told they were incapable of greatness and a continual thirst for knowledge.
Key takeaways:
Time is not our enemy.
Be humble enough to learn and not let ego get in the way.
To become a master we must be as a child.
“There are many paths to mastery and if you are persistent you will certainly find one that suits you. But a key component in the process is determining your mental and psychological strengths and working with them. To rise to the level of mastery requires many hours of focus and practice. You can not get there if your work brings you no joy.”
I want to hear from you!
What did you think about this episode? What would you like to see covered in future episodes? Please, leave a comment below! Let's keep the channels of communication open.
Thanks guys. I'll see you soon!